Sunday, July 29, 2007

THE BELOW ARE FUTURE TOPICS/HEADINGS FOR BLOGS. THIS IS NOT A BLOG PER SE. Well, it's a blog of possibly future blogs. Pardon the typos. I don't write it. I comes through me.

The Crew. A reality show about the crew that produces, directs shoots and edits a reality show. Except the crew doesn't know.

Shave patterns into my friend's living room carpet, with my Oster. Failing that, use oyster or an annoyster.

Solve the gravity wave problem with an insightful analogy between the compressions and rarefactions of air molecules to propagate the medium we call "sound". Weeeeeellll, perhaps the compressions and rarefactions of time ( and therefore, M and c) result in "gravity waves".
The waves may be beyond generations of collectible data. We must have memories of a thousand years or more to perceive one cycle of phase. Hence the mysteries of the universe may not be understood by one particular culture during one particular era. Including us earthlings. UNLESS....I seriously have something I can't tell you, but not because you can't understand this time. Should I die too soon, the answer is hidden in the High Mayhem logo.

Love is all give and no take.

Smart monkeys may be choosy about whom they fuck, go hunting with, share food with, communicate with and in all cases, when. Smart monkeys can look ahead. Smart monkeys devise...plan...anything. The formulations of possible futures, implies that probability is a consideration. If the odds are right (or merely entertain notions of maths) - you must not be wrong about the nature of the universe. It made you. You are not in the universe, but part of it.

When is then not now?

Self- displacement - liberating to someone else especially if you are not yourself.

Don't put your past in front of you.

User directed TV> MY camera, MY POV>

Enjoy Pleasure!

President incorporated: a corporation is a "body" a person and acts as one. Why can't a hundred citizens, form a corp and run as ONE individual?

And you thought insanity was crazy!

It's easy to like people you don't know. Hence the famous.
If you were famous, hardly anyone would know you.
If you were likable and famous who could find out?

What others think of me -- that is none of my business.
What I think of others is theirs

What world-view have you adopted, developed, accepted or even promoted?

If there's one thing I can't tell you, I have know idea what it is.

You look like I love you.

The odds are that the odds are better that you think. More odds:

Do not tap on glass!
To break it, you must maximize force to the smallest possible area!

Time lapse 1 year to in each five feet I move as I cross a 40 foot room.
Try to get back to position as much as possible over the eight years it will take.
If you can bee on mark for 20% of the time, this will be revealed:

We are ghosts. We do not retain matter. We are composed of organic molecules, which over eight years or so, shed and renew completely. We are not concrete. We are just good at maintaining the patterns of our selves, through life. The "Max" that began the eight year journey across the room is the not, atomically, the "Max that arrived. Anatomically, he is Max.
He maintained continuity of consciousness, because his brain constantly renewed itself.

His cells patterns and behaviors were preserved, but each and every element within them is "new parts". Kinda like if you had a car and over the years exchanged every single part for a new one until after eight years none of the original "car" is extant. But there it is...your car.
It's new car but it is the same car.

So the time lapse imagery would reveal a ghostly journey as new molecules take the places of others. We cannot visualize this fact easily because our narrow perception of time and thin memories.

To a relative observer who is "moving" a factor slower than you (and therefore also experiencing consciousness with greater temporal girth) you may appear less dense. That's because compared to our bodies, space is vast. Space is time and we occupy little of that too.

The universe is not many particles jostling about. The universe (the temperature of the universe reveals the on average most atoms don't appear to be moving much) is just one particle moving at the speed on NOW. One particle Not a type or class of particle .ONE SINGLE PARTICLE..THING...EVENT...LOCATION...Is-ness bit. One BIT.

To us the things that seem the most dense, seem that way because the BIT spends more time there. The liquids and gasses we can navigate through - the BIT...

What? This is getting very silly.

...Yeah, and I think that things don't just LOOK smaller the further away they are. They actually ARE smaller.


Ok everybody here on Lunesta raise your hand. Nobody? All sleeping?

Ok everybody not willing to admit something, raise your hands.

don't be somebody else. be your self - just make sure you are are not behaving in ways that are the not somebody else.

cover for me

Shedding of atoms and cells timelapse ghost effect TIMELAPSE (above)

Speed of thought defines perception of passage of time. i KNOW BECAUSE OF MY BIKE ACCIDENT.

The universe is one particle moving at the speed of now,

"aliens" as time travelers. HOW COME THEY LOOK SO MUCH LIKE US? They ARE us. From many possible futures. Ain't no way a being from a completely different system, gonna have hands, feet, face...probably wouldn't even be carbon based! Or even on the same scale!

balder dash show - whats the difference

genesis a book about creation myths

Comic about comic.

i know what
i can only not tell you the secret because you cannot know...yet.

i dont know half of you
half as much as i would like
and i like less than half you
half as much as you deserve. - LOTR? or screenwriters?

ravel unrave inter exercourse important exportant. words without positive

tom's of maine who the fuck is tom? just some dude tinkering with baking soda?

testing the pad
a cat named dander
packaging "Cashews" instead of peanuts. gourmet packaging anti breakage. bubble wrap each peanut and then put those in a package. fuck it - package each and every molecule. make it safe
for the consumer. "if this molecular seal is broken, please discard"

scratch and sniff ANYTHING. i HAVE A SCRATCH and sniff yearbook! My girlfried DID smell like that. Unfortunately so did our Chorale instructor. Scratch his face.

WHATS THE DIFF? lunesta or neulasta

make fun of him in front of his back

here's what i've noticed about a thing i find interesting:
if it weren't for observation we wouldn't notice anything

worry of nothing be sorry of naught

That notion/assumption is bizarre, unfounded and implies some kind of conspirancy to undermine you, is at work.
I have noticed this view of the world pervades your thinking across many realms

conversation about information seeking and time it takes to "know"something
or appear to know something.

will free will in dreams

filtering information to prevent "madness" crazy as paradigm of not being able to "deal with" knowing the ineffable vs. enlightenment

Ashbar Kucha and the hidden painting.
Terri(y) Nolan and the coral urine.

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