Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The page may or may not be displayed. It's kinda iffy...we are a bunch of guessers, because the odds are dynamic. But not immutable.

Therefore page you are looking for may or may not be currently unavailable. In a possible, yet highly probable universe, Urgently Weird Temporal Works will have been contracted to develop, a broom closet at High Mayhem. Urgently Weird Temporal Works will have been generating the site from nothing more than happenstance by using a Synchron Series-K. The site is accessible randomly; it may or may not depend on who you are, what you are going to have for lunch tomorrow, if your name is Ed or Linne or Molly or Chris or Delores and if you are in a dream or not, (and/or if you got a card like this) and if you are not sure you are dreaming, why not?) Is not waking life as similar as dreams?

Observers underestimate your/their understanding (and indeed their/your very own) because, well they've/you've already come to some conclusion about "who you/they are" (at least for some chunk of your perception of time) - you/they fail to realize you/they are far more or less observant than you/they appear because you/they make assumptions about your/their defining characteristic...or worse, actually think you have
one at all!

Write me and we can go over it, because there is no "us" or "them"...neither "you" nor "I". We are more like each other than we are like ourselves. Even our differences are similar. Somewhere in between what you say and I hear -- and vice versa, may be the "truth". Betwixt implication and inference is what we are are REALLY talking about. Here check out some VIDEOS.

Why consider the following?:
  • Click the refresh.gif (82 bytes) Refresh button. It's not very refreshing, is it? We recommend leaving your home and taking a brisk walk or jog instead. You can always come back here later. Struggle is easy. Enjoy pleasure!
    If the meaning has purpose and the purpose is the meaning then the structure is feedback. The feedback is the structure. Kinda like gravity.
  • You typed the page address in the Address bar and you likely spelled it correctly. The Omniplex will have been generating new content and happenstance - you won't be sorry for long. Frustrated? Visit our zen site Composition Notebook. That's REALLY frustrating, so it'll calm you down.
  • Don't bother checking your connection settings, or clicking the Tools menu, and then clicking Internet Options. It won't help. On the Connections tab, go ahead click Settings, but you would just be wasting time (which we no longer refund). YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING.
  • If the UWTW Administrator, Janus Shilling, has enabled it, he can examine your "network", and automatically discover why it is so many of us continue to wonder what we are all doing here. If you have not done any wondering recently, try that walk and really have a good look around. We're pretty sure it's good to be alive. And it's pretty weird too, because, like what does that even mean?
  • Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Similarly, your brain does all kinds of things it never tells you about. Try some deep breathing and think about thinking sometimes. Have a conversation about conversations with a friend or so-called stranger even. What's a stranger? Do they exist? Who taught you that and why? Terrible!
  • We apologize to you, (and your clients) for any inconvenience as we are aware we promised to have the site up before you had even requested our services.

What is
It's a catalyst for Not-So-Self Exploration;
a venue for reality testing, currently under construction by Urgently Weird Temporal Works. Yes, we know that, for now, that seems completely nonsensical- this universe is grand but finite -probability suggests that it will catch on eventually. The odds are that the odds are better than you think they are.

Some of us are engaged in attempting to brainwash humans to think for themselves. Others try to quite the opposite...and not for free either. They are actually charging us to get dumb. Helping us forget that we are wandering in and out of one another's subjective realities.

What will have been Urgently Weird Temporal Works?
It's a possible, if not highly probable, multi-media design group: a real heavy flux job. Typically they can have your job done before you even hire them. They neither read nor invent trends or popular memes...they remove them just to see if you notice. For them, design is a subtractive process. Like sculpting marble. Or extracting a song from pure noise. It's in there somewhere already and if it isn't, then maybe we are already done.

Who is Gregor Petrov (and why won't he talk to me{?}) ?
He's a filmmaker and really, really Russian, or so he says. He's been hired to make films about the employees of control-alt-delete: Doctor Moniker, Janus Shilling, Dr. Luna Tempers, Kay Levels and ensemble he's in, Green Orbit. Since Gregor is now an employee of control-alt-delete, he, of course, must also document himself.

Who are all these entities with specious names?
They are are Russian Dolls (you know, the ones that fit inside one another?) on the way to discovering the penultimate container or final layer, if there is one. That's what they think. Actually, there's no hierarchy.

The inhabitants and, indeed, progenitors of, themselves radical subjectivists, are coming to the conclusion that, yes, they are all or will have been, in a highly possible if not probable universe - thanks to your observations, dear reader - real.

They (Janus, Kay, Gregor, Luna And Dr. Moniker) are also coming to *grok* that they will have created themselves - that is, they are imagining themselves, or rather each other into existence. You know, like you do with your friends and others in your social circles. I can explain.

It's game theory.

They are more like each other than we are like ourselves. As we are. As you are to your various selves. All the semi-different "yous" that you are to others compared to the you that you are to yourself. How many of you are there? It depends upon the number of those observers and interactors within and without. (humans, animals, insects...any detector, really.)Soooo, how "real" are you? How true are you? The ratio of who you think you are compared to how you are perceived by self or others reflects your trueness. The ultimate fidelity ratio is 1:1. It's not achieveable by humans these days. Perhaps we ought to let down or dismiss our gaurds and masks and reveal ourselves universally. But then if you are transparent, who can see you you? Well, crap. This examination of suchness isn't going anywhere.

What might they --that are you-- learn from this question?
What about this one?

That I am out of your mind...or that I am out of yours?


Thank you for enjoying this thought experiment, or disliking it and/or coming to any conclusion* whatsoever after you will have run it through your cultural refractor or emotional prism -- even if it was for a moment it means you must have had a feeling that the sensation of the passage of time has to do with why we often experience one thought following another instead of some thoughts progressing from anything but a former one. The speed at which it feels to pass must have something to do with how many thoughts you experience in a certain amount of "time". The faster the process, the more "time" you have to observe the process. Like speeding up the frame rate to crate a slow-motion effect at baseline playback. Like getting really high and jumping out of a plane at 3 hours a minute. Or seven years a second...or...

*If you came to no conclusions, yet perceived the site, it's because you are are still coming to one. If you NEVER come to one, it means you probably wrote this. If you did not perceive the site, well, then why the hell am I wasting my perception of time writing this? Fuck if I'm gonna go back and fix typos or forge an effort to prevent new ones, not EPECIALLY for anyone simply not reading this, but for those who have seen right through it. I mean, once you learn to read it's near impossible to NOT read something in your tongue. I'm not saying whole paragraphs but, you know, the occasional word. Try not to read signage. You can't! Stop. Yield. EXIT>


But hopefully none of above will have been written. It's best not to arrive after you have left. The only thing I know about you is that you would like to be believed. Authenticated.

Don't forget, if you're going to wax ontological, drink plenty of water! If you don't like water, have a Bildebier ok?

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